Sunday, June 26, 2011

My brains first public orgasm

Well, it's done! My own blog, my first post.

Somebody told me what I write reads like a Carrie Bradshaw column. Thus I started this blog.

And now, suddenly:
                                 Blank Page Syndrome!
                                 Zilch, nada, niente, rien, niet, nichts, nothing...

Hey, this is actually not at all funny for a writer...but then again: it fits the guy who encouraged me to start this in the first place. Communication with this guy dropped to zero, quite a pity, because actually I really enjoyed interaction with him, all kinds and all levels, I have to admit! Though I slowed certain things down a bit, having the impression, that he was not sure what he was getting himself into...
But we had fun, and he was everything but boring...
...and I do not want this non-communication-situation to least I would like to know what caused it! Maybe it is me. In this case I could do something about it. Maybe it has got nothing to do with me, in which case I could still offer my shoulder/help or whatever else is required.
Anyhow I am not used to this. First time after eight years I meet somebody new, and it leeds to this. Hey people: Talk to one another. I still belive in that, but not many others ever did, and obviously talking to each other did not gain in popularity over the years.
I am somewhat surprised as to how quickly this cute little bugger got to me, and quite courious about the means by which he gained access to my sytems so quickly. This being said, I do like him a lot, but this sudden silence I hate...
                                                                                             be continued...
                                                                                                     (sorry, but I'm tired!)